Safety and environmental protection

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  全體員工, 全體銷售/業務人員, 全體技術支援/服務人員, MDS
  45  分鐘
您的金額: 0.00 €


  • There are workstations at which the danger is immediately apparent. Other places of work appear completely safe – office workstations, for example. Yet even here, there may be risks which need to be uncovered and rectified.


  • All Employees


  • Risks at the workstation
  • Environmental protection


  • assess the main hazards that exist at computer workstations
  • assess what causes ergonomic stress and how it can be influenced
  • identify the main mechanical hazards
  • inform others of electrical hazards, in particular those due to overload and electrostatic discharge, and of the CE marking
  • explain fire hazards and the important basic rules of fire protection
  • inform others about typical physical hazards and measures to minimise them
  • inform others about radiation and outgassing hazards
  • explain why accidents must be documented
  • observe important basic rules for the disposal of electronic waste



Safety and environmental protection - Test
TST Test | 10 分鐘 | EN